Greece summer of 2016 in black and white
My trip to Greece and Italy in the summer of 2016 was to scout out new locations for an upcoming study abroad program with Principia College. The area to explore this time was the Peloponnese in particular Ancient Olympia and Mystras. This area of Greece I had up to this point seen very little of and this was a great opportunity to see as much as possible in a few days before taking an overnight ferry to Italy for the second part of the trip. The trip started in Athens where it seems like all trips to Greece begin. This part of Greece is wild with twisty winding roads, goats in the roads, tiny villages overrun by massive tour buses, and oh so much to see. I will need a few more trips to say I have seen even a fraction of this spectacular part of the world. The images in black and white capture the spirit of this place well.