The summer of 2021 was a summer of film. I took my cameras west all the way to the Oregon coast and captured images along the way. I worked with medium format film for the most part and never really want to go back to digital. The digital world of photography is too fast, too perfect, and too safe. Nothing compares to shooting a roll of film and then waiting weeks before processing the images. I shot over 30 rolls of film and it took a few weeks to process all the images. The images in this set were shot with either a Yashica Mat 124g or Rolleiflex medium format camera. Portra 160 or Tri-X 400 BW film. All hand processed in my kitchen. Processed with my digital Nikon D4S through Lightroom and converted from negatives to positive images with the Lightroom plugin Negative Lab Pro.

This is the end of the road for more than a few cars, trucks and gas pumps. They appear to be rusting peacefully in this tiny out of the way community.

Looks like it could use a bit of repairs but I bet this one could be up and running in no time.

Shot on the Main Street of Elsah, IL on a fall day with a Yashica Mat 124g camera.

The north side of the Columbia Gorge. A favorite spot to stop and get a view of the river.

Reflections always fascinate me and I can’t walk past a big window without looking at what is on its surface.

The view to the Columbia River from Cape Hope on the north side of the Columbia Gorge. A place to stop and get some great atmospheric photos.

Testing out the Rolleiflex with the strobes. A quick and fast morning studio shoot. Kodak Try-X 400.

Neskowin, OR. A cloudy and cool day on the coast. Low clouds and good waves.

A beautiful day for a stroll down to the lighthouse at Newport. Clouds blew out, the sun was shining and the camera was working.

Found in a field near Hunters, WA—a field of old and retired trucks. Rust, chrome, weeds, and weather.

The color processing was a bit rough on this shot but it adds to the feeling of the day—cool and windy.

Even after 70 years of being outside and in the weather the chrome on this old-timer still shines.

Looking south down the beach near Proposal Rock. Nothing like a stroll on the beach.

Some of the trucks near Hunters, WA are slowly being engulfed in weeds.

Retired. Retired and tired. Put out to pasture.

At one point in time in Hunters, WA this must have been a filling station. Now a place to park the old-timers, put up election signs and let everything slowly rust away.